September 3, 2021

The list of vegetables for this week is a bit shorter than sometimes in part because I spent a good chunk of the week repairing trellises. Ironically, I’d planned to brace the trellises more in preparation for Ida, but then a localized thunderstorm with strong line winds popped up a few hours before and knocked most of my trellises down. They’re now back up, but that meant that I didn’t get around to doing everything else. So no granola this week, for example.

Fall vegetables are starting to come in, though, and I have lots of butternut squash ready to go. — Sydney

This week’s items (subject to change until late Friday evening)

Items we plan to have at the market this week (an asterisk indicates unusually limited quantities):

  • Beans, dry (Peregion*)
  • Beans, green (Carminat*, Fortex*, and half-runner*)
  • Beets, loose (Badger Flame, Chioggia, and red)
  • Cowpeas, dry (Black Crowder*)
  • Cucumbers (American slicing and Suyo Long)
  • Eggplant (various varieties)
  • Lavender
  • Microgreens (Peas and Tokyo Bekana)
  • Okra (Hill Country Red and Jing Orange)
  • Peppers (Biquinho Red, red Carmen*, cream and green bell*, Grenada Seasoning, and habanero)
  • Potatoes (Carola, Purple Majesty, and Red Gold)
  • Squash, summer (Cousa, Pattypan, Yellow Crookneck, and Zucchini)
  • Squash, winter (Butternut)
  • Tomatoes, cherry (Matt’s Wild Cherry and Sungold*)

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