July 23, 2021

I mentioned a while ago that the whole changing farms thing in the middle of the growing season would likely result in a period in the middle of the summer where I would have fewer different items to sell. Well, we’re entering that period now. Most of the things I had planted at the old location are now over, and it is too soon to harvest any of the vegetables planted at the new place. There are still some things I can harvest, and some others that I will be able to store for a while from earlier harvests.

What does all that mean for the market? It means that I will have lots of potatoes and loose beets for the foreseeable future, but some other vegetables I would normally have this time of the year, e.g., green beans, I will either not have at all or will have less of.

But I am happy to say that the young plants at the new place are growing very well. The first harvests should start coming in there quite soon! — Sydney

This week’s items (subject to change until late Friday evening)

Items we plan to have at the market this week (an asterisk indicates unusually limited quantities):

  • Beans, dry (Peregion, Pinto, and Rosso di Lucca)
  • Beets, loose (Badger Flame, Chioggia, and red)
  • Blackberries*
  • Carrots
  • Cowpeas, dry (Black Crowder and Whippoorwill)
  • Garlic
  • Granola (Pecan Cushaw)
  • Green onions
  • Lavender
  • Microgreens (Peas and Sunflower)
  • Peppers (banana, bell, and jalapeno)
  • Potatoes (Carola, Purple Majesty, and Red Gold)
  • Summer squash (Cousa, Pattypan, Yellow Crookneck, and Zucchini)
  • Sweet potatoes (Murasaki)
  • Tomatoes, cherry*

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