We finally closed at the end of last week on the land in Mercer County that will become my new farm. I’ve spent much of this week there, plowing and tilling. In case anyone is wondering, trying to turn established pasture into seed-ready beds in a few days is a crazy thing to do! But I don’t like being thwarted and I really want to get some more vegetables planted for later this season. At any rate, we will now be gradually — at least I hope it will be gradually — moving our farm from the rented land on Clear Creek Road outside of Wilmore to the new property in Mercer.

I was happy to hear that my daughter found and photographed a Pearl Crescent on the new property. Perhaps the farm name will still be appropriate despite the new location.
One of the fun things for market this week will be lots of lavender. Our row of lavender at the house set lots of flowers this year, as you can see in this photo:

This week’s items (subject to change until late Friday evening)
Items we plan to have at the market this week (an asterisk indicates unusually limited quantities):
- Beans, dry (Fort Portal Jade, Peregion, Pinto, and Rosso di Lucca)
- Beans, green*
- Beets (Badger Flame, Chioggia, and red)
- Broccoli and Broccolini*
- Cabbage
- Carrots (Nantes and Paris Market)
- Cauliflower* (orange and purple)
- Chard (Italian and Oriole)
- Collards
- Cowpeas, dry (Black Crowder, Calico Crowder, Mississippi Silver, and Whippoorwill)
- Cucumbers*
- Garlic
- Granola (Cushaw Pecan)
- Green onions
- Herb plants (chives, French thyme, lavender, rosemary, and sage)
- Kale
- Kohlrabi (purple and white)*
- Lavender
- Microgreens (Peas and Tokyo Bekana)
- Onions
- Peppers, banana*
- Potatoes, new (Carola, Purple Majesty, and Red Gold)
- Radish, winter (Daikon)
- Sweet potatoes (Murasaki and Orleans)
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