New season

The first farmers’ market of the year in Wilmore is tomorrow. I can’t say I feel quite ready. I’ve been busy on the farm for weeks now, but most of the work has been with plants that will produce, I hope, later in the season. Walking around on the farm now, I see the promise of lots of vegetables, but most of them will be ready in a week or in a month or in a couple of months.

Some are painfully close. The first batch of radishes are only a couple of days from being ready to pull. Blame it on that cold spell we had a little while back. If they hadn’t slowed down that week, they’d be ready now. But something to look forward to for next week!

The best thing this week is actually from last year: sweet potatoes. That’s one of the few vegetables that actually gets better in storage. Or at least I think so. They don’t look better. The skin gets tougher and they start getting a bit wrinkled. But the flavour! What happens in storage is that they slowly lose water and more of the starch turns into sugars. Result? Sweeter and more intense flavour. — Sydney

This week’s items

Items we plan to have at the market this week (an asterisk indicates unusually limited quantities):

  • Arugula
  • Beans, dry (Fort Portal Jade, Peregion, Pinto, Red Kidney, Rosso di Lucca, Tiger’s Eye)
  • Cowpeas, dry (Black Crowder, Calico Crowder, and Whippoorwill)
  • Granola (Cushaw Pecan)
  • Herb plants (chives, French thyme, rosemary, and sage)
  • Microgreens (Peas, sunflower, and Tokyo Bekana)
  • Radish (Lilac Daikon and Watermelon)
  • Squash, winter (Butternut, Seminole, and Sonca)
  • Sweet potatoes (Murasaki and Orleans)

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