October 16, 2020

Rainfall from the remnants of Delta last weekend turned out to be disappointing. But there was a little bit of rain and that was enough to get an extra flush of beans and summer squash. I don’t have a huge amount, but I will have some at the market tomorrow. Given the frosty night forecast for tonight, they will almost certainly be the last ones for the season. — Sydney

This week’s items

Items we plan to have at the market this week (an asterisk indicates unusually limited quantities):

  • Beans, Dry (Tiger’s Eye)
  • Beans, Snap* (Carminat, Fortex, and White Half-Runner)
  • Cowpeas, Dry (Black Crowder and Whippoorwill)
  • Granola* (Cushaw Pecan)
  • Microgreens (Pea shoots and Tokyo Bekana)
  • Squash, summer* (various)
  • Squash, winter (Kabocha, Lunga di Napoli, Metro Butternut, Sonca, and others)
  • Sweet potatoes (Orleans)

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